Am a quilter, crafter which includes embroidery, beading, crochet and knitting. Just love keeping myself busy with crafty things.
Monday, 27 September 2021
At last! Embroidery
Thursday, 23 September 2021
More hexi's done!
Saturday, 18 September 2021
A few more completed!!!!
I have made a few more of these and slowly getting it done! In total I have now completed 30 blocks. Have to start deciding how I am going to arrange them into a quilt. Well first things first and will embroider them first then see what the quilt is wanting to look like.
Thursday, 9 September 2021
So many blessings!!!
Just sitting here this morning and reading all my favorite blogs and thinking how blessed I am to have such a lot of nice people who inspire me to be a better me but still just be me!!!!! Especially reading Jenny's blog at . Made me realize that for me all this lockdowns we are having is to make the world slow down a bit. I used to just go to the shops and walk around looking to what I feel like buying. Nowadays I just go when necessary.
Made me realize I for one don't need that much stuff to survive. I also, sadly though don't visit my favorite haberdashery shop, , as much as I used to but still go and buy stuff that I need. I need to thank her when there again as she keeps the shop fully stocked and ready for buying whatever I need. I have been buying stash and then not using it. My hands work more slowly than my stash buying and ideas in my brain of what I still want to make. But I am always thankful that I am able to use my hands to make some precious things for our home.
Still working on my hexi's and have made 20 so far. have a lot more to go as I am going to make it 250x250cm square and my bed. Also have to add some embroidery in the center using my whole set of house of embroidery threads. these are just great and the colors are so pretty when embroidered.
I am using the idea for the hexi's that I saw on Emma Jones's website. She is the inspiration for me using epp hexagons again.
Now lets see if me using the links to places I like works.
I need to give give thanks to the people who help me enjoy making my latest quilt the recognition they deserve
Sunday, 5 September 2021
Slow stitching!!!
Thursday, 2 September 2021
I have now finished these 13 octopus and now all wool is used up. Won't be doing much more crochet and knitting as my hands are getting too tired. Will now be doing lots of embroidery which does not tire my hands out so much.
I am doing great but at times the crazy world is getting me down. So many has lost their lives because of the crazy virus. Well I then go off to my sewing world and forget all that is going on.
We have our kids and grandsons and they are all well and going about life and enjoying it.
Nature is so special!
Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...

My Quilt Diva is now completed and here is where I was with the first picture posted. This was the next one with the border on ...