Am a quilter, crafter which includes embroidery, beading, crochet and knitting. Just love keeping myself busy with crafty things.
Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Nature is so special!
Wednesday, 16 October 2024
Life has its blessings!
Saturday, 17 August 2024
Well time sure goes by quickly! Wish there was a shop where one can buy some extra time! Days seem to run from me.
Now am busy with doing granny duties. Getting up, making lunch box, getting him dressed and last not least driving in the morning traffic and getting to school on time is exhausting. Luckily he is in after care and enjoys it so much. We only get a visit once a week now, just to have him around a bit. We had him by us every day and last year we noticed he needed to be with kids his age to learn to socialize. Since relocating and adjusting to new way of life he needed this, other than just school time! Its quite boring here. But still a privilege to have them still close to us.
Big brother is now doing apprenticeship and working outside in the big world. He is doing well and its been an eye opener for him to be in a big city too. Traffic and also experiencing that its a rat race out there. Luckily he is still at home and not in his own place. Hehe recently started making the sums of what needs to be paid to live on ones own costs a lot of money. So he is saving up every penny now to get a head start. Grandpa just keep reminding him of not having debt too early in life.
Our eldest grandson is getting married end November. Wow time sure goes by quickly. So now we have a kitchen tea coming up and luckily for us, both her grandparents still live here in town. So we are going to the one on her parents farm not far from here. We don't travel far distances anymore. Hubby's back and neck is slowly getting worse which we expected and he can't sit longer than an hour at a time. I do most driving now. Hehe seems he needs to give me driving lessons still after 50 yrs of driving!
Life has changed so much in these few months we have been here. Living in a big city is an adjustment but we need the specialists closeby with ageing. Also lots more driving to places and getting to know the area takes time.
Tuesday, 18 June 2024
Happenings in my life!!!!!!
Sunday, 14 April 2024
l have also finished emptying the last of the boxes.
Sunday, 31 March 2024
A little more about life here
At last the sewing machine is coming along.
Placing my cross stitch stuff is taking time as l have less wall space here.
At least we took a trip to the sea but it was misty and cold. So we couldn't go for a walk.
My daughter brought me some lovely gifts from a trip they took through Clarens.
This is my sewing chair corner and my Sitching Angel designed by Joan Elliott found her place!Hubby's small lawn is up and growing green.
This quilt also has found its wall
This week l have been working hexi's on my quilt. Nearly done then its sandwiching and quilting. Need to get this out sewing room to have a bit more space to arrange my stuff neatly.
While l sit stitching l let my mind run with ideas of how to get my little sewing room all nice and cosy!
Monday, 12 February 2024
Our New Home!

At last!!!!!!
I have not been here for ages and its been a very busy time in my life!!!
We decided to move to Port Elizabeth and very quickly sold the house in Port Alfred and also got a townhouse that we loved and also bought.
Daughter has also relocated to Port Eklizabeth because she needs a bigger salary to survive and also needs some challenges in her life. Well she has been continuing studying while Matthew was writing Grade 12 exams and she reached another goal and passed that exam with over 80%. Also Matthew did really great with his as he received so many awards and stuff and was also 4th place from the top 10 students well with the year end he moved up to 3rd place and has 2 distinctions and did very well with all his subjects. He has the world now and is ready for this next phase of starting his life's journey. Matthew is the tallest guy on the right!
Wednesday, 12 July 2023
A few finishes at last!
Saturday, 10 June 2023
Every stitch!!!!
Nature is so special!
Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...

My Quilt Diva is now completed and here is where I was with the first picture posted. This was the next one with the border on ...