Tuesday 18 June 2024

Happenings in my life!!!!!!

Joined my local guild on 1 st June.
Its the Dais Quilt Guild and stepped in with Show and Tell of my very precious Crazy Quilt.
It was nice to show more people this special quilt.
I don't transport it anywhere because of the damage it might cause with moving it, but l had to turn it onto another side as it so heavy that I am afraid it might cause some damage if hanging on the one side only. So hubby helped me to get into into the car very carefully to take it on a trip. 

I have  now completed all the 50,200 stitches on this Kitty's Sewing Lesson and just started the backstitching. 

I have competed another owl' designed by Lesley Teare

Still busy big stitch quilting this hexi quilt.

Here is my quilt tester Amber

This is my big stitch quilting

Just found out yesterday that our Coco has diabetes but its not bad but still not going to be easy. So its onto insulin for the rest of her life. It comes with old age. Will be starting on Friday. She is very sensative to things happening in her life and is a real drama queen. so we will see how it goes. 

Well thats about it for now. I must try and keep this updated because one can miss out on the daily special things in life.



Linda said...

Your crazy quilt is spectacular! Must have been a labor of love. Good luck with your sweet little dog.

www.self-sufficientsam.blogspot.com said...

How long did it take to make that crazy quilt? It's a masterpiece! I can't even imagine the hours that went into it. You should get it insured! I love the cross stitch...another gorgeous project that must have taken hours and hours. You don't do anything small do you? LOL! All your work is amazing. I love the owls and the hexie quilt too. I want to try the big stitch quilting but on a small quilt first. You have much to be proud of! Thanks for sharing.

Susan said...

Thanks. It was something l had to do at the time my Mom passed away and it was my way of working thru the loss. Took 3 1/2 yrs.

Susan said...

Hi @self-sufficientsam.blogspot.com thanks for the compliments. Took me 3 1/2 yrs to complete. Insurance would be way to expensive for me! Don't have appraisals in South Africa anyway.
Love big stitch quilting. I do the stab stitch and use nr 5 crochet cotton with l think crewel needles largest eye. Love stitching by hand takes longer but l just love to watch all stitchy stuff on YouTube while stitching. Thanks for visiting!


 Well time sure goes by quickly! Wish there was a shop where one can buy some extra time! Days seem to run from me.  Now am busy with doing ...