I must just thank a dear friend for a parcel she sent me and I received it today. I did not know about it so it was a huge surprise. Thank you friend for being such a wonderful person in my life and also may you receive many blessings from the Lord for being a caring friend. I have been too busy to do another block but have done some stitching on it. I have now got up to date with the magazine and now have to wait for the next issue to finish the last 3 months blocks. |
Am a quilter, crafter which includes embroidery, beading, crochet and knitting. Just love keeping myself busy with crafty things.
Friday, 29 June 2007
Thank You For Special Friends.
Monday, 25 June 2007
We had a quite day as the electricity was off for the afternoon. The rainy weather was lovely and still is raining but the house is too dark to do sewing or reading. So we spent the afternoon in front of the fire just relaxing. But this morning I got some painting in and started to paint the kitchen walls will continue tomorrow. When the electricity is off only does one then realize how dependant one has become.I have started the August block but have not been able to sew today. |
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Finished painting

Monday, 18 June 2007
I have a very dear friend for 22 years now and although we live very far apart we keep in contact nearly every week. She is truly an inspiration to me. She has taught me to take my sewing just that step further and out of my comfort zone and am I enjoying it. I seem to move forward or is it ahead a bit every time I make a item. I love magazines with all these lovely quilts that I see in them and really appreciate the artists who give us the patterns. I have finished painting another doorframe and also the bathroom cupboard and will do something every week till I am finished. |
The next mini quilt top

Friday, 15 June 2007
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Patchwork quilting and thoughts
I had great fun today again watching the patchwork group with their star squares they are making and today they made a very difficult square. I have to comment that a person has to read the instructions very carefully and also maybe reread them. They did not do that so ended up with some very wrong pieces of fabric and as you alll know quilting fabric is very expensive. We got to sort out the problem and then there was deciding on how to put it all together. I am not doing the stars and am busy with the calender applique and have nearly finished the month of March. We also had the sewing group meeting and learned how to make a spider web and also put a small spider bead on. Spiders and the web are in quilters terms good luck to the person who receives this piece of artwork. |
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
paper piecing blocks and just thoughts

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Friday, 8 June 2007
And more rain

Thursday, 7 June 2007
More rain
We have had a lot more rain and I love it. The river nearby has burst its banks and a lot of the farms are cut off from town, but luckily they run down fast and most of the farmers are prepared for such a problem. |

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Sunday, 3 June 2007
Saturday, 2 June 2007

We are having a lovely sunny day here and am trying to get the washing done as the weatherman says it will be raining next week.
Friday, 1 June 2007
Friends have been and now all I have is dirty linen. It was great to see them after 3 years and we had a lovely visit. I now have to wash the linen but the weather is not very pleasant and warm. I have to get into working mode now and get all my sewing projects done. |
I will finish it tomorrow. Then I need to finish my stitchery by Thursday.
Being relocated to another town always seems to be very traumatic for some people and they seem to be unable to adjust to the new life. We have relocated a few times and am now retired and plan to stay here for the rest of our lives. Sometimes it is very heart breaking to leave dear friends behind, but I somehow find that that changes over time and a person starts getting excited at the propect of gaining more friends and not losing old friends but make sure you keep in contact with the old.
It seems that the kids are also very well adjusted to change and they dont seem to have any problems. I think it helped them to be more open to interact with people more easily. I used to love the challenge to get some new friends along the way and I still have lots of old friends around and keep in contact with a telephone and the telephone bill is proof of it. Hubby is forever moaning about the high account. But I just love to hear a friends voice over the telephone.
Now we are here to stay. I have lots of friends quilting and non quilting and they are all wonderful people and make life in the country very interesting.
Nature is so special!
Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...

My Quilt Diva is now completed and here is where I was with the first picture posted. This was the next one with the border on ...