Wednesday, 17 December 2008

I am flying!!!

Bye everyone

wow now spiderman
is high up in the air.


Unknown said...

Wow Sue you are a lot braver than me , good on you .
Clare's Craftroom

Anonymous said...

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Below is link to my survey if you want helping me, thank you!
The survey will take no more than 10 minutes of your time.

Seams to Sew and Quilt said...

Sue, how fun that looks but not for me. I went on a glider once and will never do it again. I got so sick. Not fun for me. Hope you had a good time.

Susan said...

hi all just have to say that it was grandson Matthews first trip.

Susan said...
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Vicki ♥ said...

Is that you up in the air....My are very brave!!

Nature is so special!

  Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...