and took us two days to complete
we slept over in Windhoek and
then arrived safely in a small
check point named Kongola and there
Natascha and family waited for us.
This is a picture of the scenery
taken just outside of Otavi on the
way to Grootfontein.

After arriving at Kongolo we went
to Susuwe Lodge over the Kwando
river by boat and then to the lodge.
It looks much nicer than on the
pictures. Had some tea and then went
to Natascha's house. And here is
Hubby standing on the deck outside
with the Boabab tree that shades
the house.
This is what the Boabab tree
seed pods look like and when they
fall it does make a hole in the deck.
They are massive and heavy, but sadly
not even the elephants eat it.
Here is Matthew feeding the birds
and squirrels which live in the trees.