meerkat that goes by the name of
Queeny and she lives at a
place called Monteiro just outside
of Windhoek.
Here she has come to check out
what is going on at her swimming pool

Just checking to see if Matthew
our grandson is not near as she
does not like kids anymore because
so kids ruffled her a few weeks earlier
so now she does not want kids near.
Just checking out the skies for
foreign creatures that could
be spies.
Well when her work in complete
she sure does need a great rub
from a big caring hand.
Now all is done and a quick nap in
my arms is just the right thing to do.
The next afternoon I was having a short nap
and heard some funny noise next to me,
it was Queeny lying on her back wanting
me to scratch her again a bit.
Well sadly we left the Thursday morning.
Home now and am trying to get back to normal
if I can find out what is normal. heheheheh
Sue I love meerKats...they are so cute and we had a show on the Tv last year about them called Meerkat Manor. It was brilliant and I loved watching them get up to all sorts of things.
Thanks for the photos Sue. Meerkats are just the cutest and my sone has loved them all his life. He is now 18. I remember going to the Adelaide Zoo when he was younger and he got so excited when we headed to the meerkat house that he feel over in excitement. I will show him your photos when he comes home from work today :)
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