Monday, 26 October 2009

Drum Roll please

This first now completed quilt
is one that I started with
the International Friendship Quilters,
named Home Sweet Home, I have named it
My Africa home

The words on it says
" Home the spot of earth supremely
blessed a sweeter spot than all the

This is my wallhanging "Verandah View"
I have now completed. It was designed
by willowberrydesigns and was a bom
that I followed. The saying is
"as you stroll a long your path pause
a moment to enjoy the view..."


Karen's Korner said...

Well done on your lovely colourful quilt. I love the words and how true are they!

Vicki ♥ said...

They look great and it feels good to have things completed :)

Carol said...

Both quilts look lovely but I have to say the house one is my favorite of the two.

Gloria said...

Love that just finished feeling. Your quilts are lovely, colors look great.

Unknown said...

Oh how lovely Sue !

Susan said...

Thanks for the compliments.

Carolyn NC said...

Both are lovely, but your Africa quilt calls to me!

Margarita said...

Very nice Susan, I like the top one the most, but only because I am not a stitcher. Its loely to get something totally finished

Nature is so special!

  Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...