Here is Bokkie's quilt all completed.
It took me 1 year on and off to get done.
Just love this and also Bella the dog is
checking it out, uhm no its not for her
but please dont tell her.
Am a quilter, crafter which includes embroidery, beading, crochet and knitting. Just love keeping myself busy with crafty things.
Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...
Just popping in to say "hi," Susan! This certainly is a lovely quilt. Love the bright colors on the dark background!
Lovely work, Sue. Did you decide on a border for your other quilt yet? I think wide strips or aquares would go good.. At least Bella is only admiring the quilt and hasn't actually claimed it! LOL :)
Lovely quilt Sue.
Hugs & Blessings
Lovely - very colourful - better watchout for Bella - she peobably loves all teh quilts you make.
Very nice quilt, Sue, Love the circles.
Thank you all for the positive comments. Hugs from a hot sunny South Africa.
It is sucha beautiful quilt.
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