Sunday, 26 June 2011

Just thoughts for the week!!!!!

Well I have been thinking:

I need to get some projects going again, but
and here is always a but, I have to make
tea for the bowling club again. Now coming
to mind that I have always thought (incorrect)
that being a tea girl job would just suit me fine,
and since being in the kitchen of the bowling club
I have found that tea making is no easy job.
Now I am being punished with this hard boring job
(which I am doing willingly to help the club) which
reminds me of the movie "Tooth Fairy". So I have
two days of tea making for 60 persons and am doing
it with a smile, tea girls always have smiles on their
faces and most of the time I dont even know the persons.

Well I also need to get some projects completed for our
Quilt Show at the end of August, you'll ask why so long
before, well making all these lovely items is not something
ones makes in a few hours, some of the items take a month or
longer, even had a quilt take me three years to complete just the
hand quilting. Which of course was very rewarding when done, as
a job well done. I am sure lots of you know that feeling, no matter
how tired one gets of that item one needs to complete the journey

But in the meantime its back to being a tea girl and this one needs
some delicious hot coffee now.

Hugs and take care and have a blessed week.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

More handwork done by me and Matts new friend.

This is my Cat wallhanging now completed and I love the bright colors.

This is a crochet cloth that I crocheted in 1975 

Here is a bedspread that I crocheted in 1984 and won a prize for it.
The pink pillow covers are from a friend Pamela in Florida USA

This is now another orphan to join the family, and its is still alive now after a week with
the kids and Skye the new kitty just loves it. Matts is very happy
as he has two new best friends around.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Nature is so special!

  Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...