Am a quilter, crafter which includes embroidery, beading, crochet and knitting. Just love keeping myself busy with crafty things.
Saturday, 21 June 2014
Having some fun!
something I like doing. Also I am doing lots of the work and not thinking up nice things to add. grrrrr
somehow me thinks they are just using me to do the hand needle turn applique because the designer is a real art quilter and although I like the design, I just don't like that type of quilt wall hanging. Well its got to get done even the handwork. She prefers machine stitching but this requires a lot of hand stitching. O well now I need to get off here and get to work some more on the boring stuff. Hope to get back to my embroidery soon.
Saturday, 14 June 2014
The Village bag
This is my flowers on the arch completed. Just so nice and dainty, he he not what l started out with, but must say much prettier than the original.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Real miniture
This mini quilt was something l really needed to do. Just had to make something small using fabrics. Having withdrawal symptoms not using fabrics. Think too much embroidery is causing it. The small square in a circle is 3cm and the total size is 11cm square. Somebody gave this tiny a name, it's called "Oops". Such a cute name don't you agree? Well still have to get some ordinary string in stead of the ribbon!
Nature is so special!
Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...

My Quilt Diva is now completed and here is where I was with the first picture posted. This was the next one with the border on ...