Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Our Hibiscus!!!

Our hibiscus is flowering again as always!!
So thankful for the rain that we have had recently!!

Am busy with all my small projects and getting some done. Have lots of items that are nearing completion and will show when done. Also sorting through the cupboards after Daughter moved out into her own cute home. The house seems awfully empty now after being overfilled with daughters treasures. hehehe we have to get used to having such an empty house. Not easy but I am getting all my stuff around and the house is starting to look colorful again.

Hubby went to have a cataract removed yesterday  and getting the other eye done on the 12th April. 

Friday, 26 March 2021

A bit of stitching

I have been working on getting some UFO's done this past year. Well am trying to keep busy and have fun stitching these peg bags always makes me smile. They have such cute faces.


Saw some embroidery with shells on instagram, sorry can't remember who, but it got me thinking l can use any broken shell. Picked up a few on the beach the other day. So tried it and its so beautiful. Still want to add some more beads. Seems my mind has been working overtime to get this to work. 


Friday, 19 March 2021

Internation Quilting Day today!!!!

This Quilt Diva is going to do some quilting today.
Looking back to how much learning and fun I had so far on my 
quilting journey!!!!!

Still my favorite quilt!!!
Finished this crazy quilt 10 years ago and still  love it!!


Friday, 12 March 2021

Another ufo!

Need to get this ufo done. Its been around for a few years now.
Can't remember the designer but changed the border to use my fabrics! Now adding some small items l have  just lazing sround my sewingroom! 

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Busy busy!

These are small embroideries for a small project l am working on.
Made new cover for  a chair!
Made these pillows and runner for my daughters new home! And this is Amber guarding hubbywallet, not that there is much in! Those blue eyes are so pretty! Amber is one of 3 cats of  daughter's that moved to our place. The ginger one went  with her to the new place but Amber is at home here! The other cat, Ambers brother, with the short tail eating,
decided to stay at their previous home and kept walking back. So with permission with the new owners he is allowed to stay. Daughter supplies his food. And he is very happy with the arrangement!

Nature is so special!

  Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...