Monday, 28 December 2009

December Angel

The December Angel is now completed
and now I just have to finish all
12 of them up with the beads and then I will leave them
till I get an idea how to finish them into
small wallhangings to fit on my perpetual

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Tuesday, 15 December 2009


I just had to make these
Christmas Stockings.
They are so cute.

The picture is not very nice
but here are both hanging in
my home.

Monday, 14 December 2009


This is my banner that I have finished today.

The pattern is at and she is a
wonderful designer and this was avaliable for free.
Thanks Tozz.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Hot very hot!!!

This is Zazu eating watermelon and
loves it, she uses her paw to hold it down and
then nibbles it away.

Bella does not always eat watermelon but
as it is so hot here 35*C she also decided to
eat hers.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Christmas decor!!!

Well the Christmas decor is up and me thinks I need

lots more things but am taking it slow by making just

a few things every year.
This is 2009 Christmas project done.
I still have the wallhanging that

needs completion and every year I decide that I am going

to finish it in the new Year but have not got that right so

far, well the next new Year is on its way so maybe. ????

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Some more finishes!!!!

I seem to be ending this year with a bang.
I have some more ufo finishes.
This is the group Christmas tree project
but the bottom panel was a stitchery that
was laying around here since last Christmas.
Now have included it in the tree and it looks
In this picture is also my pertetual calender
which I love and change every month. I will
be using my Angels next year.

I have also finished this snowman banner
and it is just so cute dont you think!!!!
It is another ufo from way back.

This is the beading that I used to join
the banner together.


This is one job that hubby hates
and that is painting but the
garden set needed a coat of paint
very badly and I have not been able
to do any painting as I get hayfever
from the smell. He completed all
8 chairs and a table by this afternoon
and feels very proud of himself. No mess
at all which is a wonder because whenever
he has a paint brush in hand there is always
an accident of some kind.


This is my crazy patch mat that
I have completed for myself
Its done in crazy patchwork and
the process was a great step
for me to overcome as I dont
or shall I say did not have a good
relationship with my sewing machine,
but now that is all done with and I really
enjoyed this very much

Here is my sewing corner and
I have lots of plans for it, but
here is the mat now laid and

The sewing machine in place and also
with its own cover.

Monday, 7 December 2009


I have made this frog for Matthew,
he does not have a name yet as
Matthew will have to give him one.
I found it in Patchwork and Stitching
Vol 6 No 9 and its designed by Cheryl Ross.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

November Angel

This is the November Angel now
completed, well I still have beads to
put on most of the Angels.
I have now started December Angel
Nearly there and its then another
huge project completed.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

My Belly Dancer

Another ufo completed,
this belly dancer teddy was started
about 2 years ago and never got completed
well now she is nearly finished. I dont have
the glass eyes yet but when I get to a big
city will get them and also some earings.
She is pretty cute. Hmmmm
I would love to learn to do belly dancing but
no one here knows anything about it.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

This is the new tar road to
Pakhuis Pass that is nearly completed.
We can now drive smoothly as it was an
awful gravel road. Had a lovely cloudy
day today so far.

Just a bit further and just look at those
rock formations. It is so different everytime
we take a trip which is often. Well now with
the tar road the poor plants on the side of the road
will not suffocate anymore and stay green.

Me in front of a rock just to show that
I was also there.

Hubby sitting with Bella under a rock
that looks like, I think it looks like a flower, what do you think
it looks like????

This plant is so interesting, when it gets top heavy it
falls over and continues to grow.

Friday, 27 November 2009

Cellphone bag!!

This is a cellphone bag that I had to make
for someone as a birthday gift and it is something
that I will never use.
It was a challenge as I have never done
any crazypatchwork by machine yet.
So I have overcome another hurdle yesterday.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Now completed!!!

This is my completed Christmas tree.

This is the hair on my Quilt Diva

This is a cross stitch face in a clock
made by Jessie, one of the Chatting
Chicks group.

Another of the Midget Dear Jane blocks

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Completed and so cute!!!

This is "Skillie" our grandson Matthew loves
tortoises and I made a pillow for him.
Here is Tonic so you can see the size
of it.

Skillie decided to check out the garden
but also wanted to hide away from????

Thursday, 12 November 2009

The Potpourrie Group

Meeting on the 12th November 2009
At the Weskus Hacienda near Graafwater.
A lovely little Guest House near the West
Coast of South Africa.

Here is our new leader in pink
and the man there just came to say hello
to all us ladies. hehehehe

This is our Christmas Project we are
working on now for 2009

Amanda is the first to have hers completed.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

My how fast Matthew has grown. This was taken at

This is another Midget Dear Jane block and
has taken me 2 days to complete. It is going
to take forever to get over 200 of them done.

Friday, 6 November 2009

October Angel

I have now completed the October Angel
and have started the November Angel.
Hope to have these finished soon.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Drum Roll please

This first now completed quilt
is one that I started with
the International Friendship Quilters,
named Home Sweet Home, I have named it
My Africa home

The words on it says
" Home the spot of earth supremely
blessed a sweeter spot than all the

This is my wallhanging "Verandah View"
I have now completed. It was designed
by willowberrydesigns and was a bom
that I followed. The saying is
"as you stroll a long your path pause
a moment to enjoy the view..."

Sunday, 18 October 2009

More of our day in the veld.

Here our dog Zazu is looking for a
small stone we had thrown in the water
and below is the stone she decided
was big enough for us to see

This is what my hair looks like after a

recent hair cut.

Lovely day in the veld.

Took the dogs for a swim in a local
dam called "Koos Louw Dam". they sure had fun and
Bella just loves all the swimming.

These I found on the roadside and
they look white but when closed they
are a lilac color

Here it is even closer but I have no clue
what its local name is. Will have to find
out from one of the older generation that
knows the name.

These are chinkerinchee's (star of Bethlehem)
is growing in the garden and all over in the veld
where there is still some small bits of water around.
These are the last of the flower season and now it
is going to be hot and dry.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Better picture

This is a better
picture of
August Angel
and she is holding
sea shells.

Friday, 9 October 2009

August Angel

I have now completed the August Angel.

The pic is not that clear as you can see its done.

Nature is so special!

  Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...