I have completed for myself
Its done in crazy patchwork and
the process was a great step
for me to overcome as I dont
or shall I say did not have a good
relationship with my sewing machine,
but now that is all done with and I really
enjoyed this very much

Here is my sewing corner and
I have lots of plans for it, but
here is the mat now laid and

The sewing machine in place and also
with its own cover.

Wow - great job, Sue! I love this!
Very nice crazy patch mat, Susan! Love the machine cover too!!! Well done!
Love the mat Sue, the bright colours are great.. mmmm, your sewing area looks very/too tidy!
Thanks all, but Cheryl you should see what the rest of the sewingrooom looks like. I just had to take the stuff out because I am now working on this sewing corner to get some order. hehehehehe
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