Sunday, 13 September 2009

Some more just things.

We have just recently got new
neighbours and they have
3 dogs and this is Tonic our cat's
way of protecting herself from them,
goodness know why she is on
the fridge but it seems to be the
highest place in our house.
The dogs cannot get to her as
we have fences up but typical
cat thinking of taking care of

This is picture of a block for
Christmas at our local forum

Sorry this is not the right way up
but this in another member of
our Chicks sewing group's
stained glass block.


Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Susan, I haven't looked at your blog for a while. You have been doing some lovely work! I just love the Poinsettia block! :~)
The colour of the sky in the picture you took coming back from Windhoek is amazing!!!! Bye for now, Sandy.

miss~nance said...


Our cats love the fridge as well, we have 2, one of them will often sit ont he top of the vanity cupboard in one of the bathrooms tobe out of harms way.

I love your christmas poinsetia block - looking very festive.


Unknown said...

Don't cats love to be up high looking down on all , lol . Those blocks are looking lovely Sue .

Carolyn NC said...

Lovely blocks - love the pic of the cat on top of the refrigerator!

Susan said...

Thanks all I am working very hard to get the poinsettia block completed and will post when finished. Hopefully this weekend

TrishJ said...

Hi Susan, I love your mini Dear Jane, and would love to do one, but don't think my eyes would manage the job. Also love the work you are doing.

Nature is so special!

  Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...