Here is our new baby and its is still very wild
was not house trained and now very scared
of us but we will take it slow and we dont know
what it is yet so no name as yet. It will get to see
this is a very nice cat house to live in. hehehehe
Am a quilter, crafter which includes embroidery, beading, crochet and knitting. Just love keeping myself busy with crafty things.
Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...
Poor little thing, how cute (s)he is! With time I'm sure it will be the most loving cat.
I love the new addition to your family :)
he/she looks so much like our little friend Joey - still a bit of teh wild in him too
With the big ears and the pointy face it looks like your baby has Siamese in it's ancestry. It won't be long before it realises how nice it is to live with you :).
How cute. I am sure he/she will settle in soon especially with lots of TLC.
What a cute Kitty.
He yes we have now established its a he and has taken to hubby, well it is his cat and he went to choose which one he wanted. Now to get him used to me, the one that feeds him. hehehehe
Hi Sue, cute little kitty, won't take long until he/she will settle down knowing what a good home it has with you.:0)
Oh he is lovely Sue. Where did you get him from? Have you seen my to new babies :) they are gingers Triv & Harley :))
Love and Hugs Olivia
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