Saturday, 7 December 2019

Just life!!!!

Went for a walk on the East Beach yesterday (6th Dec) morning.
The dunes are always moving! we had some strong wind last night and here you
can see how the wind blew sharp edges. Lovely patterns running along the beach. Lucky is always having a race against Coco to get to me! 

I have now tried to do paper piecing on my sewing machine and it is much faster than doing it by hand. I finished the next 8 blocks very quick and now need to get the pieces cut for the next 28 blocks.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Beautiful pics at the Dunes. I miss living in a Lake Town on Lake Michigan. I have never tried paper-piecing.
Merry Christmas
xx, Carol

Susan said...

Carol paper piecing gives me nice star points. Takes time but I have that!!!

Susan said...

Definitely easier on the machine -- a nice small stitch and you can rip away!

Susan said...

Susan, l have stitched the last blocks by machine and it went faster than handstitching. I want to get this quilt done. Nearly done l still have to join all blocks by hand so that l have the seams joined correct!

Nature is so special!

  Matthew grew this rose from a cutting. And now she is rewarding him for taking good care of her! Slowly l am getting the back stitching do...