Saturday 17 August 2024


 Well time sure goes by quickly! Wish there was a shop where one can buy some extra time! Days seem to run from me. 

Now am busy with doing granny duties. Getting up, making lunch box, getting him dressed and last not least driving in the morning traffic and getting to school on time is exhausting. Luckily he is in after care and enjoys it so much. We only get a visit once a week now, just to have him around a bit. We had him by us every day and last year we noticed he needed to be with kids his age to learn to socialize. Since relocating and adjusting to new way of life he needed this, other than just school time! Its quite boring here. But still a privilege to have them still close to us. 

Big brother is now doing apprenticeship and working outside in the big world. He is doing well and its been an eye opener for him to be in a big city too. Traffic and also experiencing that its a rat race out there. Luckily he is still at home and not in his own place. Hehe recently started making the sums of what needs to be paid to live on ones own costs a lot of money. So he is saving up every penny now to get a head start. Grandpa just keep reminding him of not having debt too early in life. 

Our eldest grandson is getting married end November. Wow time sure goes by quickly. So now we have a kitchen tea coming up and luckily for us,  both her grandparents still live here in town. So we are going to the one on her parents farm not far from here. We don't travel far distances anymore.  Hubby's back and neck is slowly getting worse which we expected and he can't sit longer than an hour at a time. I do most driving now. Hehe seems he needs to give me driving lessons still after 50 yrs of driving!

Life has changed so much in these few months we have been here. Living in a big city is an adjustment but we need the specialists closeby with ageing. Also lots more driving to places and getting to know the area takes time. 

Went to the local nursery and found these cute frogs and had to bring them home. 

After being busy all day l needed some relief and with grandson visiting for a few days while his Mom is away, we got to have pizzas. His favorite!

I had to stitch 42 scrappy blocks for a charity quilt. The small quilt group 'Ragdolls' that l have joined get donated lots of fabric. They then make charity quilts and hand them out wherever they are needed. Took 2 days stitching on my machine. I don't like spending so much time in front of my sewing machine. I am a hand stitcher most of the time. But when its got to be done in a few days there is no way l am going to do it by hand.

Very slowly working on my back stitching on Kitty's Sewing Lesson will get it done sometime hopefully by end of year. Still big stitch quilting om my hexi quilt. Trying to do just one large hexi at a time. I do stab stitch and have to push through multiple layers and that tires my fingers a lot. But seems to be getting better by the day. 

Amber is enjoying some sun time, we had a few days of cloudy weather.

And of course Coco had a pamper day at the doggy palor which is needed as her hair grows so quickly. I have decided to rather have her hair cut at the dog palor here near us. Now only noticed she is also ageing, all the grey now that her face is cut neat. 

My fingers were too sore after straining these  muscles pulling something heavy. Using the scissors would be damaging them even more. 
She came out and l could see she was so spoiled by the wonderful staff. 
Well thats enough chatting for now. Till my next post have a blessed, creative time! 


Susan said...

HI - great to catch up again
Sorry to hear hubby is not so good....funny you say he is teaching you to drive...MEN!!!
I am sure the string blocks will make a great charity quilt.

Susan said...

Sorry to only reply now! We are all fine and hubby seems to make peace with me driving my way hehe. Huge hugs


 Well time sure goes by quickly! Wish there was a shop where one can buy some extra time! Days seem to run from me.  Now am busy with doing ...