Saturday 23 March 2019

Finished and complete!!!

I have now completed new quilts for all 3 bedrooms because I noticed when we moved here that all my old loving quilts were very faded. Some was made many years ago and used daily. This is for the double bunks.

Saturday 16 March 2019

Another finish!!!!

I have now completed this pillow cover for my sewing room. It was a fun project that was done with 2 other friends just starting to learn free style embroidery. They are really having fun and also is an inspiration to me. I have sharing all my embroidery knowledge with them. They seem to enjoy it!!!

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Using an old Doily!!!

I made this yesterday and remembered that I have a few old doilies from my grandmother. My mother used them often and it was all hard starched and ironed. I think it caused a lot of damage using the hot iron. Anyway I was able to save this doily and now added it to my toilet (which is only my bathroom) cover of lovely fabric that I made the curtain from. Added some beads and now busy with the roses and leaves. It is just really pretty to me.


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...