Saturday 18 November 2017

Havin fun in the mud!!!

Neil is enjoying a late morning mud game. Enjoyed this so much that it made me wish I was a small kid again. hehehehe I was not allowed to play in the mud. We were little girls and girls did not ever get dirty. This seems to be a boy game and Neil had lots of fun as you can see.

Saturday 11 November 2017

A finish and a start!!!!!

Finished tiling my craft room floor and now to get everything in a nice place and tidy up the whole area. Which is taking some time as I am sorting thru all my stuff .

Today is the start of the quilting of a new quilt for my bed. I have named this my Sentiscrap quilt because the blocks are all from my fabric collection over the years and have lots of meaning to me. Some have been gifted and some have been bought by myself. So putting it together sentimental and scrap pieces gives it a nice name. Just love naming my quilts. I am using black crochet cotton nr 5 and also have bought some thin tape and it works just great to help me keep my quilting stitch lines straight. Just love new goodies!!!!!

Friday 3 November 2017

Life in Port Alfred

Well have not been around here much so sorry!! We have been a bit busy with finishing up my craft room floor and spending time with Neil. It terrible to think we live so close to the sea and don't visit her often enough. We decided to take Neil and the dogs, Lucky and Coco, for a nice walk along the beach. The dogs were in the water more than Neil, but he has not been well these past few days with ear infection. Will post picture when my craft room is all ready for me to enjoy. Its the first time I have this whole huge area for a craft room. I feel very privileged and although it does not have designer units in it is very special to me. I hope to spend many happy hours in it stitching.


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...