Sunday 25 September 2016

My fusion quilt!

Getting to the end. Have 10 more blocks to add then it will be ready to add the next stage and that is different  crocheted  shapes which will give me the romantic antique  look!

Monday 19 September 2016

Busy as always!!!!

This is a Sunbonnet Sue quilt I made many years ago in  the hope of handing it down to
a granddaughter. Well a few years down the line, I have 4 handsome grandsons and no granddaughter.
So I have decided to donate this to a charity of my choice and see if they could generate some needed funds.

This is the back of my quilt and I am still working on my fusion quilt "Romance in Paris"
Have 50 blocks joined and now onto the next 50!!!

Main fabric blocks on the front and you can see where I got the theme from!

Tonic having a peek at the new quilt

Here is the first half of my quilt and I will be adding these pretty crocheted\
forms in the open blocks.

My fairy garden now completed so far but never know
 when some other member will come for a visit or stay!

Coco says Hi!!

I have a love of red and this bag is just what I need for all the stuff one
needs to have daily!!

Lucky also says Hi!!!


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...