Monday 19 June 2017

Having fun!!!

Well here is us having fun with Neil while the toilet is being installed. We are changing the bathroom and its all getting done by our Son-in-law and we have to keep Neil busy so that he does not take all the tools and run. Well we do have some tired muscles but its just great fun having them around.

Saturday 10 June 2017

Time flies!!!!!!

Wow have not posted here for some time!!!!! We have been so busy getting all nice and settled and there is still a lot to do!! This move is one of the hardest I have done, think it has to do with getting older hahahaha!!!! Now I realise why most elderly don't want to move and stay put till they are unable to take care of themselves. Well now that I have shared my feelings with you lets get going on the nicer things in life!!!!

Getting daily hugs from grandsons is priceless and being able to be closer to the kids have given us more meaning in our lives instead of just being. Even Hubby has admitted that he is enjoying every minute with them esp Neil, who has now learned to say Oupa(Grandpa) and its his favorite person at the moment. hehehehehe! Even keeps Grandpa on his toes, both vehicles have to be in their places and even the doggy poop needs to be picked up everyday, no slack allowed or else Grandpa get hauled in by the hand. heheheh

Well I have been working in my sewing room and having fun getting it nice and sorted and cosy. Now I need new curtains and also have to get new covers on the chairs in here. We also have the office here and now Hubby can play games while I sew. Also have a desk here for when Matts comes and has to do some homework. Even have my radio here to so I can work to country music which is my favorite.

Now the fun begins and I can start sewing again. Will show and tell when I have something completed. Well I have been knitting hand gloves for both kids and am busy with a pair for Natascha too.

Well will have more news soon.


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...