Monday 15 March 2010

My Africa Cutie Quilt

Well this is how far I am with
the 3rd block in my wallhanging
after a day of embroidery and still
have lots to do. Also have the other
2 blocks to embroider but am working
to get it done.


sandra said...

Oh, hippos in the bath. How cute are they??!!

Susan said...

These hippos are in the huge Zambezi River that flows through the top part of Namibia, and I watched them often while visiting our daughter and family who was working there often. They would snort and splash and watch, they are very inquisitive animals. So cute but huge.

Micki said...

I love is so cute!


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...