Saturday 23 November 2019

Making Jam slowly!!!!

I just love to do things in my own time, so making jam the old way cooking it on the stove.
 I am not a fan of the microwave to cook. 
Homemade apricot jam is just so tasty, I dont eat shop jams, not tasty at all.
 Anyway this is 5kg apricots that has been bottled now and ready to eat. 


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Are you telling me that microwaves were actually invented to COOK thing??? LOL. The only thing I ever actually cooked in the microwave was meatloaf. The recipe was really good and the meatloaf cooked perfectly. I swear, that recipe came in a cook book that came with my first microwave that we bought in 1972. I use the microwave not to defrost what I need to and heat some frozen items and of course heat a cooled cup of coffee but that's about it. I admit I never want to be without one though.

Your jam look great!!
Happy Thanksgiving
xx, Carol

Susan said...

Carol yes l know lots ofmpeople who cook in their microwave, but we use it for heating food. Some of my friends do make jam in it!


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...