Wednesday 19 February 2020

Daily life!!!!!!

A gnome that I crocheted and just needs a bell added to his hat!!!

We have had some lovely rain!!

These are the empty 2 liter milk holders that I stapled together to hold my shoes in my cupboard, just need to pretty it up a bit.

Grandpa joined the boys in the tree!!!!

A foggy Saturday morning walk with Neil and the dogs

I have the quilt sandwiched and now going to start with the big stitch quilting.

Went for a nice long walk this morning with the dogs. They have adjusted well and are now enjoying playing in the breaking waves.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Boy that gnome caught my eye. I don't think I have seen a crocheted gnome. Grandpa is in the TREE?? Cool!
xx, Carol

Susan said...

Carol- Beads and Birds thanks the gnome was something I have been wanting to make for a few years and just decided to make something small using some wool lying around here. Uhm yes the boys got him to climb into the tree.


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...