Saturday 14 March 2020

So busy!!!!

Life is always busy here, and just loving every minute of it!!!
Still quilting away at Neil's quilt. The first half is already done and now starting on the other half then I will be quilting the final blocks around the edge of the quilt. Can't wait to get it done. Have so many ufo's to get done this year.
Also loving the cool weather although it does get very humid. But not that
exhausting heat that we had in Clanwilliam.
Have been very sentimental these last weeks and wow!!!! Sometimes I wonder how I got through all these years making some huge stupid mistakes and also how on earth I have learned from them. Wish I can stop my kids and grandkids from making some mistakes too. I have these mass of quilting magazines and don't seem to have time to just relax and enjoy them these days. I am trying to get all those other items done. My days seem to get shorter by the day. hehehehe
Now we also have the virus on its way and having to cope with that and also the government wanting to use our hard earned pension monies is causing a lot of stress for us pensioners here. We have been saving as much as possible but somehow seems to never be enough but we will survive. The world is really going mad these days. Nobody ever thinks of taking life slowly and enjoying the simple things in life, maybe its Mother Earth getting us to slow down and enjoy and appreciate life and family.
Well thats enough for deep thoughts and may you all keep healthy and enjoy the family and life. Huge hugs to all!!!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I could get on a government rant about a whole slew of things. My husband is always asking me if our retirement fund is safe. I tell him there is a lot more in it now than there was when we were still putting money in it. My fingers are crossed that it stays that way.

We look back at mistakes WE have made too. But it is what it is so we can only look forward. Our kids tell us we are too negative and tried to talk them out of too many things. I deny that and explain that we are just cautious and sometimes a little fearful. But then a situation pops up for them and we can see by the way they resolve it that the DID listen to us after all. We raised my oldest grandson and he reminds us all the time of how happy he is with the way we raised him. On the other hand, his mother holds it against us that we did. Boy I could sure tell a story about THAT one.

Have a healthy and peaceful day.
xx, Carol

Susan said...

So true we also give advice when asked and leave it for them to decide!


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...