Saturday 3 October 2020

Daily life!

We have some lovely rainy weather. The birds aren't hiding, just happily chatting outside. I love this kind of weather! Just fidgeting around with cutting some placemats and knitting prem socks. Using what l have and will continue later stitching them together! Also cut some batting for a continental pillow cover. Now to get enough black for the top, won't put backing on it.  I have an idea to make it so that both sides can be used! Just keeping busy. I want to make a little doll quilt with my leftover shweshwe fabric using hexi's. Using up small pieces of fabric means no waste! 


Susan said...

Probably like most of - you have a huge load of stuff - so its good to use even some of it.

Susan said...

Hehe l am trying to work theough my stuff and make do. Had to do a bit of tiling this morning. Now resting. Will look for my small hexigons later! Seems l need 64 hexi's so will be stitching some more soon!


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...