Friday 26 February 2021

Another finish!

l have now used up all my left over wools and gave all the items to our local Child Welfare! It felt great to just give it all away and each item was made with love. 
I decided not to buy anymore wool,  but yes a but, there is so much need in our country for baby stuff that l am having a hard time not responding to it and going out and buying some wool and get a few items to donate. I seem to need a charity project to work on and just be thankful that l am able and have money, to make small contribution to keep someone warm! 
Grrr going to buy some wool tomorrow, but just one ball and lucky for me we have a lovely shop here in town, Holly House, so l can get just one ball of wool at a time!
Have started working on my cross stitching a bit lately and also finished a few UFO's laying around here! 
Am really enjoying my time at slow stitching and have found this cute website and going to enjoy it and see where this stitchers inspiration takes me! 
Such inspiring work. 
Ok now l need some sleep to start early tomorrow!


Susan said...

Lovely to see your charity work.. I do think those of us who "have" should help those who "have not"!

Susan said...

Susan! I feel that a person who can should do some charity work to just say thank you for being able and willing to do so! I gave it all to child welfare! Autumn is now on its way and then winter, so they have time to decide whom to give the stuff too. With covid causing job losses there is many who have nothing here esp children! Its a yearly project I work on and hopefully by next year this time I have lots of stuff to give to charity.


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...