Saturday 14 December 2013

Busy Busy and a surprise!!!!!

Christmas decorations are now up and this is what it looks like
before the lights are switched on.
Here I have started with the embroidery after joining the blocks together into rows and now joined 2 rows
I will be doing two by two and then join with the centre row.

Well I am a very sentimental person and this proves it.
We received a lovely set of different crystal glasses from my Mom
and slowly over the years they have broken out and this is the last one
left. Well I could not throw this one away and strange enough they all
seemed to break just under the round of the glass.
There is a lovely crystal ball just above the foot of the glass.
So looking at it I turned the foot upside down and there we
are I have my very own crystal ball in a nice snow bubble.
Now I have preserved this piece of history for many years to come.

Here you can see my crystal ball when the sprinklers have settled down.

Okay here is what everyone has been waiting to see. Here I have
laid out all 25 blocks of the crazy quilt and as you can see
they are not arranged the way I wanted. But be assured I will
be posting this when completed.

All done, 10kg apricots into jam. I get apricots yearly and have to make
into jam because the bought ones are not so tasty and also lot less
sugar and no preservatives in. This will last us about a year.

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Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...