Friday 17 May 2013

A new family member and daily things

Got a new family member named Amanda,
yesterday from
a very dear friend.

Here she is with the rest of
her family in the
entrance of our home
to welcome all

Finished a pair of socks
for myself and just in
time for winter.
Well all I have not been around for a few days because I was in hospital to have half of my thyroid gland removed because the dr felt it necessary. I was treated great at the hospital, The Stellenbosch Mediclinic. They really went out of their way to make my stay as easy as possible. Also the drs were very helpful and also lots of fun even though I was a bit nervous of the anethetic, the anethetitst was just great and also had a much easier recovery from it. Hubby is of course telling everyone that the op was not a success because I still have my voice, which is still not right but getting better by the day. Everyone who phones says my voice sounds so sexy. ha yeah right just need it to get back to normal.

Well I am now home and just lazing about and finished these socks and now need to get stuck into my crazy quilt once more.

I had this very special meeting with a dear old lady 84 who was in hospital to have a catarac removed. Well she chatted away all the while until they pushed her out for surgery. I could not join in because of my voice nerves that had to rest. She is what we call a Maleir, which is a very interesting lot of people traditionally from the Cape and they are very well spoken with a language of their own. Just love chatting to them. Well this dear old gal was asked if she was rich or poor and her answer was," I am not rich I am not poor, but I am convenient". Asked if she had a cellphone, well yes she said but left it at home and she has 3 phones one a landline the other a extention to her bedroom and of course the cell so that she does not have to run into the house to answer it.    when she was ready to leave she popped her head into my bed space because my curtains were closed most of the time(. I needed to sleep. ) and blessed me a speedy recovery and God Bless and got a twinkle in her eye and told me a dirty joke. awe I got tears in my eyes because my Mom used to also have that twinkle, anyway its the first time I saw her all that day and she was short but dressed with a hat that was put on the side of the head and also a nice warm fur coat, she had a walking stick but goodness knows why because she just walked off with very quick steps not really needing the walking stick. hehehehe
That was such a wonderful experience for me and really brightened up my stay till Wednesday afternoon when I was released from hospital. An angel with a naughty smile. So special!


Karen's Korner said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Amanda is sooo sweet and fits in well with the rest of the "family". Those socks look so cosy and warm.

Shirlwin said...

Get well soon ... lol, find your voice I could have said.
Love those socks; the remind me of bees knees. Amanda is gorgeous. There are some special people in this world who make keeping others smiling their main task ... you met one in hospital:) [Some folks would call them an angel on earth]


Found a very nice fish añd chips shop nearby us.  Its my Birthday month and I started a new small cross stitch patte...